Lumecca IPL Photo facial
Lumecca IPL Photo Facial in Sarasota, FL
IPL is a skin rejuvenating treatment. It uses your body’s ability to produce collage to improve skin tone, color, and firmness, resulting in naturally radiant skin. It is a laser that treats various skin types.
- Skin texture
- Large pores
- Fine lines and wrinkles
- Acne and acne scars
- Pigmented lesions
- Rosacea
- Flushing facials vessels
- Hyperpigmentation
- Sun damaged skin
- Age spots and freckles
- Avoid sun exposure, self-tanners, and tanning 4 weeks prior to treatment.
- Stop skin rejuvenation products containing glycolic acid, retinols, or Retin-A at least 1 week prior to treatment.
- Women who are pregnant or nursing are not candidates for IPL.
- No exfoliation or scrub to the treated area for at least 72 hours after treatment.
- Wear sunscreen daily, avoid sun exposure, and apply aloe vera gel as needed after treatment.
What to Expect During IPL Treatment
During treatment there will be bright flashes of light from the Lumecca that feels like a mild sunburn, skin may become flushed and warm. These reactions can be treated with cold compress and resolve quickly. Over the next 24-48 hours you may see a darkening of pigmented spots; the following week, the pigmented lesions flake off, resulting in more even skin tone.
Results with Lumecca IPL
Initial results of treatments appear soon after the skin repairs itself and continue to improve as new collagen is stimulated. The number of treatments required to achieve the full effect varies depending on the size, location, depth, and color of the cosmetic concerns. This will be addressed at your consultation visit.
Lumecca IPL Photo Facial
Lumecca IPL Photo Facial
Lumecca IPL Photo Facial
Lumecca IPL Photo Facial
Lumecca IPL Photo Facial
Lumecca IPL Photo Facial
Lumecca IPL Photo Facial
Lumecca IPL Photo Facial
Lumecca IPL Photo Facial
Lumecca IPL Photo Facial
Lumecca IPL Photo facial
$1450 / package of 3
Lumecca, a photofacial skin rejuvenation treatment, uses intense pulse light or IPL to permanently remove age spots, vascular lesions, sun damage, rosacea, and freckles. You can look years younger by improving your skin’s complexion and clarity using Lumecca IPL Photo Facial.
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